Windows partition can't be shrunk?


I have an SSD on my laptop with Windows 10 and Linux (Kubuntu) installed.

Windows has about 310gb and Linux has 160gb. I would like to give Linux more memory.

I can't shrink Windows in the Windows partition management. It doesn't work even after defragmenting and deleting the paging file. (About 240gb of the 310gb are free.)

It doesn't work from Linux (with KDE partition management and gparted). The process is always aborted without an error message.

What could be the reason or how can I make Windows smaller anyway?


This is because Windows somehow reserves the memory in the background. Admitting is never a problem, but taking it away is simply not an option. One solution would be to delete the window partition completely and set everything up again.

Tip: With stories like yours with the 2 operating systems, it is always advisable never to allocate all memory if you have a lot of them. If you need more, you can always assign something at the end.