Image rights in the job?


Following situation:

Küchenhilfe in a canteen with a bad location created on their own initiative, without commission, but with the goodwill of the employer a FB page to attract the public from outside. In fact, with success, even if not sufficient.

The site is edited and maintained for months exclusively by this kitchen.

Who owns the rights to the images uploaded by mobile phone and laptop on this page? The employer lt. Imprint or the worker?


The author owns the pictures. But he can still get labor law problems if he acted without the knowledge and consent of his boss.


The employer continues to use the site after the employment relationship has ended.


If the photos were taken during working hours and at work, they belong to the company, in this case the restaurant. If the photos were taken during the free time, the photographer owns the photos, even if he makes them available to the company. So I know that.


The creation of the page including the logo and the published weekly plans, also with logo, were created in the spare time. Various other photos of the food during working hours. So the employer would have to change the design of the page and delete and replace the corresponding logo photos. If I understand that right.


As? The access data has also the author?


No more.


Were you paid for the logo and website, so paid?


If it did not arrive: Thanks for the answers.


No. The site was created on a Sunday, the weekly menus with logo also on weekends (days off) on your home computer. Photos of published meals come from paid working hours.