Mixer / PC wiring?


Following problem.

I have to record music via mixer / microphone on my laptop. The recording itself works fine, but now I would like to listen to the headphone already recorded text passages and at the same time / directly continue to record. Have the headphones connected to the mixer. The mixer is connected to the laptop via a jack plug. When plugging the mixer into the jack I can switch between the microphone and headphones via the popping "Smart Audio" program. If I select microphone I can record, but hear the sound already recorded on the laptop speakers and if I choose headphones, the sound plays through the headphones, but it is recorded on the laptop microphone.

Does not this work at the same time? Or where is my mistake?

Hope you can help me.


Which mixer and which wiring?


The mixer is a Yamaha MG8 / 2FX. What exactly do you mean by which cabling? Have on a channel, the microphone connected and go from the ST Out with a cable to the jack of the laptop.


This is probably a 4-pin socket where you could connect a headset. For stereo out and mono in. Theoretically, you could probably use a Y-adapter that answers that, but your biggest problem is latency. It will not match in time when recording.