Car or public transport?


I get annoyed every time I get on the train in the morning to go to school. I live in the country and it takes about 3 hours to get there and back often even 3 and a half hours and by car it would only be 1 hour and 12 minutes… Financially, traveling by train makes much more sense, but I can't really work on the train because I don't have a laptop have ("then buy yourself a laptop") but costs more than a car… I also don't believe that you can work so effectively there. I do not know what to do


You are then much more flexible and can reach your goal faster


I think the car is better, even if I don't have a driver's license yet. There are just too many people on public transport such as the bus, subway or S-Bahn and that always drives me crazy. So prefer a car, where you can chill out all by yourself


I would say it depends on the route.

If you are stuck in a traffic jam for more than half of the 1.25 hours and then have to look for a parking space for 10 minutes, I would personally prefer to take the train and at least save this stress, especially early in the morning.

In addition, it also depends on the costs, what is worth the lifetime. A car costs to purchase, running costs such as gasoline, insurance and repairs, possibly costs for the parking space, etc.

only i can't really work on the train because i don't have a laptop ("then buy yourself a laptop") but costs more than a car

Where does a laptop cost more than a car, please? What did you compare? Especially since a tablet might be enough, they are often cheaper and also smaller and lighter.

also don't think that you can work so effectively there.

It all depends on how full the train is and how well you can block out other people. On my train, with which I commuted for a long time, there were students who had prepared things for university, a few little students who did their homework, business people who worked occasionally.

Some can, some can't.

You can also use the time to read things privately, listen to music or watch series, if you can't concentrate on "meaningful" topics like your school supplies.

Personally, I can't read or write while driving, so it was just "free time" for me to listen to music.