Remove noisy audio?


I once asked a question how to listen with a headset PC and switch at the same time (USB headset) and then jmd times told me that I can simply connect my PC via the jack with the switch and then the signal of the switch can listen at But that does not work for me on the PC. But on my laptop, strangely enough.

The noise is usually a buzzing and when I hear the negative pressures I can't hear the switch anymore

Do you know how I can solve this?

Remove noisy audio

That should be a 50 Hz mass drone.

Try it over two different sockets. (on the wall). Maybe the humming goes away, if you try something with different ones.

Your laptop does not buzz because there's no ground connection to the other circuit.

I know something of the past at a mixer. As soon as the turntable and a cassette deck were connected it growled. These were of course Chinchanschlüsse. There I isolated the mass of the deck with a tape. The hum was gone.

Does not go with a latch unfortunately.

Since you would have to interrupt the mass differently… Say cutting or unsoldering.

But first try that with different sockets.

You have 3 circuits in the house. Which rooms you can see at the electricity box. Find out different The 3 circles do not know each other and there can be no ground loop.