How do you convince your parents to have your own laptop?


Hi, I'm 13 years old and I would like to have my own laptop. But my parents are against it, they say that they see no point in a laptop for me. For them it's not about the money (I said that I can buy the laptop myself, but they didn't want to either), but they think that we already have two laptops and that a third one is unnecessary. I've tried a lot, but they just don't want to be changed

I need a laptop for school, and everyone else feels like one too.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can convince my parents?


Since you apparently (for whatever reason) are not allowed to use your parents' laptop, I would convince them with that.

I don't see any point in buying a third one, "if you only need it for school", since it's only harmful to the environment.

Just explain that you want it e.g. For PowerPoint etc (i.e. Presentations) you first need and convince them to be able to use one of the parents' laptops. It's already a beginning. It would be pointless to spend money on a third one


I don't think much of it, but sooner or later every student in D will have a laptop or a tablet (possibly from 5th grade). But then they will be aligned and adapted to them. As a parent, I would avoid owning a device for so long, especially with younger ones, because it is not only good for me and it is difficult to control it. This works better with a 'not' own device.

On the other hand, the question arises of how often your parents need their devices. If there's another CoronaShutDown, they are quickly and permanently occupied by home office and a cheaper, smaller, used laptop is also available for little money (from 200 euro).


"For school" is a very vague term.
List for two to three weeks what you really have to do actively for lessons on the laptop. Preferably with a time slot.

This makes it possible for both parties to understand whether and to what extent a third laptop is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, make sure that a parent buys a new device and you get the old one.


From 200 euro there's a new one!


An inexpensive tablet does it too! Around € 220


May be, but they are rather clunky… I would recommend a good one, albeit a used one!




I wouldn't do it for so much money. If a used laptop is used, then the price must be completely irrelevant.


Thanks for the star