Why is my sister acting like this?


First of all: My sister often goes to my things and / or takes them away from me, she is very good at lying and claiming that it wasn't her.

I'm very sensitive about my laptop (because I keep a kind of diary on it and I don't want anyone to see what I'm writing), it is password protected, but I have all my passwords written on a piece of paper and my sister says stop always looking for it until she finds it and then unlocks my laptop.

I wasn't home this morning and when I came back and went to my laptop, it could not be unlocked (with the Touch ID), which usually happens when you have often entered an incorrect password.

I was sure my sister tried to unlock it while I was away.

When I went to her to ask her if it was her turn she goes away annoyed and doesn't answer. Then she ran upstairs and I went behind and asked her on the way why she tried to unlock my laptop. She ran into her room and slammed the door. I opened the door and asked annoyed why she was acting like that and why she tried to unlock my laptop, she ran away and I ran after her because she didn't answer me and my laptop is very important to me.

She then completely freaked out and threw her brush into my face. That was too much for me and I asked her why she was acting so strange (I was very angry). She started screaming really loud (when I say out loud I mean that) that I would annoy her with something like that every day and that it was supposedly not her (as I said, she always lies like that) when I come to her and say that she should calm down, she screams louder.
This is not the first time something like this happens, whenever I speak to her about something she has done, she completely freaks out.

I think it sucks when she behaves like that.

Do you maybe know why she does this and what can I do to avoid such situations?


You will not get an answer from her, either someone else is really trying to answer your laptop, e.g. Your parents (should give it too) or she will just keep lying.

See if you can somehow get proof of it. For example, you can see if your laptop has a cam if there's a program that can record the cam.

Then you confront her with the evidence, then she can no longer deny it and has to answer you.

Maybe also place a cam in the room. I'm sure you can think of something.


Thanks for your answer. It couldn't have been my parents because they kept away with me


I can also imagine from your sister's behavior that it was her. But it shouldn't be ruled out. Hope you catch them and get your answer!


So, if I were confronted that hard, I might not know what to do either.

In order to avoid THE conflict, please come up with a password that you can easily keep or save in your mobile phone / wallet. Then that's done and your privacy is protected.


To be honest, I got really pissed off, not as much as she was, but I did. I don't "annoy" her with it every day, but already a couple of times a week because I'm totally upset that she uses my laptop even though she knows I don't want it. Can it really be that I annoy her too much with something like that, because after such an argument I always have the feeling that it is my fault, because she is only 11 and has just entered puberty and can therefore be very moody, even though I do hold in the moment know, I freak out because it just upsets me that she goes to my things and then lies in my face.


Well, you only act wrong when it doesn't answer your laptop. You each have to be really angry when someone violates your privacy and even an 11 year old can understand that she has nothing to do with your laptop in your room when you are not there. The sooner she learns the concept of privacy the better.