Laptop freezt? What to do?


My laptop just freezes sometimes when I open a program like Chrome, for example.

I have found that my RAM is always 70% full, there are so many small programs that simply eat up my RAM with 5 to 15 MB.

When I finish it, they come back automatically.

I do not know why that is.

There are also small Windows apps that eat up my RAM.

What can i do they go

CPU: i3-u6006

Ram: 4GB 2100MHz

GPU: Intel HD 520

Sorry about my spelling and grammar mistakes.


You could just try to format and re-do everything.


You can disable some programs, but be careful not to disable important processes. And the laptop is quite outdated, so it doesn't matter that it is slower.


I'm not that hardware expert now, but for me it reads as if it were a rather less powerful laptop that may have been down for a few years and now wants to be replaced slowly.

Chrome is known to eat a lot of resources.

I would suggest to reset the PC completely to factory settings and then see if it works better.


4GB RAM is really little these days. This will make your system extremely slow. It gets worse if you only have one HDD.

Your CPU is of course also very slow.

It is best if you back up your data and reinstall Windows.

Probably your Windows has been running without change since you got the notebook, and that should be a bit older.


What exactly are the "small programs" that you end and then start again? They are probably part of the operating system. Ending it is a bad idea. If you play around with the system a lot, you can permanently destroy it.

The programs do not "eat up" the RAM, but use it to keep the computer running. Of course, you can't and shouldn't do anything about it. Your CPU is slow and 4 GB can be scarce these days. So upgrade the RAM, get an SSD and maybe a new operating system will help. The virus scanner can also slow down the computer massively, just like misconfigured Windows updates. The hard drive could also be full to the brim.