AutoCAD - error message when saving PDF?


I have a really urgent question and I hope someone can help me!

I'm currently drawing plans in AutoCAD and wanted to save them as PDF, as I always do:

Print → DWG to PDF → OK

And then the layout where my plans are on it is saved as a PDF.

But since yesterday there has always been an error message:

Process plot background job

Your print or publish job is carried out in the background.

Click the print queue icon in the application status list (lower right corner) for more details.

In the print queue, it only says that the process has been canceled.

Yesterday at least after a few minutes he saved the PDF, but today he doesn't do anything anymore. And I really need these plans urgently!

Can someone please tell me what I can do?! Restarting the program or laptop does not work. And the same thing happens with a second DWG.

In case it matters, I have AutoCAD 2016.


Have you tried the export function?

Switch to the layout area.
Select the menu at the top left and there the function "Export" → Export as PDF. The program then turns your layout into a PDF with the last print settings (page setup manager: size, plot style, etc.)