Laptop switches on by itself?


My laptop switches itself on again after a while, if I put it in standby in the evening and come back in the morning it has mostly switched on again, the screen is off, but the lamp lights up and the fan rotates and when you touch the touchpad it also jumps the screen on, i didn't set it up myself and in the energy settings it is not even possible, what is it?


Maybe you have a hacker


Please serious answer


That with the touchpad is normal. As soon as you put your laptop / PC into energy-saving mode, it can be switched on with the push of a button. If you don't want that, you have to shut down the laptop completely.


Sure, I know about the touchpad, but I don't know why it turns on again about nine hours after being turned off


There are several ways to wake up a computer from standby. This can be a keystroke or a mouse click. Look in the BIOS to see if the events to which the laptop reacts can be switched on or off.

Touchscreens and touchpad, in particular, can sometimes become independent and trigger a click.

It is also possible that the operating system does not succeed in really "going to sleep". If that goes wrong, the stand-by mode is first prepared and the laptop then appears to be asleep, but then it is reactivated immediately because the actual sleep process does not work. This can be a driver problem for the motherboard. Here the PC / laptop wakes up immediately after a few minutes (at most 5).