Otto installments not paid for months but no mail arrives. What to do?


Some time ago I bought a PS 4 and a laptop via installment payment from Otto. Unfortunately, I haven't paid the installments for a few months because it has been forgotten. At some point when I got a new cell phone, I no longer had the Otto app and therefore completely forgot that payments are still open. However, in the whole time I have not received any mail regarding this. I then just tried to log into my Otto account. And there I got the notification that my customer account was assigned to a debt collection company. Namely the EOS. Is probably an internal company of Otto. But haven't received any mail from them for almost a year? Should I get in touch there or has it been forgotten?


If it has now been handed over to a debt collection company, by Otto, then Otto-Versandt is no longer responsible; the debt collection company will contact you safely so that the payments can be made by you; therefore you only order if you can pay the amounts, because debt collection then results in higher amounts that are added to you!


One year must have passed since the last installment


It's going to be expensive. Hope you are more liquid now, otherwise you have a fat problem.


It's certainly not forgotten, believe me, they'll be in touch. It's late so it'll be expensive for you.

Better sit down when you open the letter. Default interest, reminder fees, etc.

Of course you can forget that, but if you buy more stuff… Sorry, I don't understand.


I then didn't order any more, the cell phone that I had new had been paid for in full by me.


After all.


You can wait until the remaining claim is statute-barred. As far as I know, claims expire after 3 years.

But you can also write to Otto-Versand and / or EOS and ask for the amount of the remaining claim and ideally pay it then.