Use laptop at technical school / vocational college?


Perhaps I will start an apprenticeship soon and was wondering whether you can use a laptop in schools. So in the university it is usually allowed to write everything down with the laptop / tablet, but is that also possible in a vocational school? Or is it like in a normal school where you get pages and work with books etc?
how do you do this? I really like to take my notes on my tablet. And is your colleague's everyday life like everyday school life or is it totally different?


I would just ask.
Every school will have its own rules.

I think it becomes clearer with a laptop and tablet, but it also depends on how you do it


These are questions you have to ask your vocational college. This can also vary from subject to subject, from teacher to teacher. There will hardly be a general ban on use today.


In my physio school:

Some of them sit there with a laptop / tablet typing along with them, the teachers don't say anything because the apprenticeship quickly creates a lot of paperwork at the end of the year.

I know too well I'm the "take notes" group already have 2 thick folders full and that is still luck others are at 3-4 folders.

I write everything cleanly again to get more information on one sheet, and I copy scripts so that there are always 2 sheets on one page + double print. Or if there are also Power Points Presis as a script, you can have 4 slides printed on one page.


When I was still in vocational school, they just brought their things with them.

Laptop / tablet

the teachers didn't really care.

If I were you, I would just take the laptop with me and speak to the teacher briefly before class.