Which tablet is better in the study?


I would like to grow a tablet for my studies (Bio).

I have a laptop anyway, so I do not need a convertible but only a tablet to write / take notes etc.

Which would you therefore recommend or someone has bought one of the tablets and can tell me his experience?

At the same time, the question would be how much storage space I would need in your opinion. With the IPad I would only grow 64GB because it is too expensive otherwise and actually you work anyway today anyway with the Cloud, GoogleDrive etc.
Is demanch also able to open files from an IPad on my Windows laptop when working with Goodle Drive or something?

I'm also open to other tablet suggestions! It is important to me that it is at least 10 - 11 inches tall and not too expensive. I have not had such good experiences with Samsung so far. Actually, I'm not an Apple fan but the tablet appeals to me the most.


Windows> Apple.

With Windows, you just have a lot more options and software. In addition, I now really no advantage of Apple or Os X ein.


What do you mean by 'more possibilities'?


I'm curious.


You are not so dependent on the Apple ecosystem. In addition, there's actually all the software for Windows, some for Apple but not. What speaks for you against Windows or for Apple?


Where exactly is one dependent on the Apple ecosystem?


Use the iPad for the school yourself. Although as per model but the current iPad also supports the Apple Pencil. And to write with that is a dream. As an app, there are also plenty, such as GoodNotes which are well suited for it.


If you use iTunes sometime, because you can't download mp3 directly from the phone.


How is Windows inferior or Why is there keyboard or pen and paper?


Everyone I've met so far and who really wants to write on the tablet uses an iPad. So that's probably going to be something that iPads are best for. Most thought that the software was the key. Now with iPad OS and the again improved latency in writing that will surely make a tick better.

In the Surface, I see no advantage, at least not for you, if you already have a laptop. Since then you can do without Windows.

EDIT: topic memory. As long as you have mainly PDFs and transcripts on it, the 64 GB are enough every time and if not, then you just use the cloud. Makes sense anyway, then you can access it from the notebook on it.


If you are looking for a tablet to write to or PDF editing, I would put on the iPad. In my study environment, I have experience with both devices (from people who own it). Even then I bought myself an iPad. If you already have a PC, I would recommend an iPad.

Why? The iPad is better for touch optimized than Windows, also the program selection for NotesApps is much better (the only real option you have with Windows is OneNote). The Apple Pencil is also much better (just because of the low latency). Also performance and display technology, the iPad is superior to the Surface Go. Furthermore, there are more iPad apps that are really adapted, no matter in which area. With a Windows Tablet, you may have more choice of "professional" programs, but these are often only usable with a mouse.
If you did not have a PC I would actually resort to a convertible. But if you're looking for a tablet right away, you rarely miss an iPad.

I have memory with the iPad 64GB. That's easy enough for my university life. If you're not using Photoshop or LumaFusion on the iPad or downloading a lot of movies, it'll be easy.


I think you confuse iOS and OSX here. First, look at the difference and then talk about it.


But since many Appel users then entrust their entire life to a brand and only buy Apple. And then on your Apple laptop with iTunes you need to copy free mp3's or files of all kinds.


This is of course a serious disadvantage in the study


This happens immediately, if you buy a tablet (and is not the case with Windows?). But yes, if MP3 is the only problem in times of Spotify, AppleMusic or AmazonMusic…


Yes, investing as a student in such an overpriced brand, I do not think it makes sense, you?


Paid, chargeable or chargeable?


Overpriced? An iPad is market leader in terms of tablet and by no means overpriced. Is available in all price ranges. Besides, expensive is not equal to overpriced.


Spotify is free. But where do you get your MP3 from? Mostly from YouTube. And there are also own apps on iOS, if you want it. But well… MP3 was still for hardly anyone crucial for the purchase (because you realize how unimportant that meanwhile is).


Anyway, mp3 is just one of the many disadvantages of Apple. For example, there would be better gaming performance in Windows, 2 mouse buttons, a lot of freeware available, cost, variety, less RAM needed, more universal connections, etc…


Where do you see the added value that justifies the price?


You still did not know what the difference between MacOS (OSX) and iOS is now? In addition, with MP3 apparently no real disadvantage, because you can download MP3 … Especially since iOS 13 synonymous directly from the browser.

The gaming performance on iOS is much better than on Windows. If you get a current iPad EVERY game runs smoothly, the Pro even in 120Hz. Of course, it's partly completely different games but if you compare gaming between iOS and Windows… 😓😓 and I could still write long on your points. The question is rather: Do you want to compare iOS and Windows now, or MacOS and Windows (which would bypass the questioner's question).

As for the price: Search me a tablet that is as good as the iPad Pro or a smartwatch that has the same functionality of an Apple Watch. Look at PCs that are similar to a MacBook or iMac and where you do not reduce the comparison to hardware (but battery, display, processing, form factor… Include). You will hardly find something cheaper. For example, with the iPhone the EIA of a GalaxyNote 10 is only slightly cheaper, while I can rely on the iPhone that it stays up to 2 years longer. It's easy to say that Apple is overpriced (even for individual products). However, if you compare more than just hardware (as with Macs) or look at the competition (as with iPad or AppleWatch), you realize that the price is not as exaggerated as some people think.


Thought the questioner wants to buy a MacBook sry. But still does not change the superiority of Windows.


Apology accepted;)

Well about the superiority of Windows, I could now much talk. In the past, Mac was much better than Windows in many areas. This has already changed, Windows has caught up. The differences are now largely in the user interface and how to adjust what. Basically, both master all the system properties that a modern operating system must master, even if there are small differences, which are mostly due to the different kernels. But as I said, could talk about the topic for a long time. Have to do in my training with Linux, Mac and Windows. In general, neither system is superior to another. Each has its strengths and weaknesses.