Plan B, if medicine doesn't work?


I'm 19 years old and wrote my Abitur last year. Well and for a year now I've been sitting perplexed in front of my laptop every week and am now totally desperate because I have no idea what to study. At the moment my plan is:

Write TMS at the end of July / beginning of August and hope that with my 1.5 Abi and a good test result I can get a medical degree. Since this is not a solid, concrete plan, I have been looking for a plan B for a long time. Unfortunately, I'm absolutely not enthusiastic about IT, business or technology and now I have the impression that you end up as a taxi driver immediately if you do not have anything in studies this direction. I'm passionate about biology / chemistry / medicine for everything and would really love to study something in these areas. Unfortunately, you are advised against this anytime and anywhere, which is why I'm slowly starting to think about enrolling in a course of study that is not fun for me, but with good job opportunities.

Would anyone here have any ideas about what I can study that I don't end up homeless with? I just rummaged through the LMU courses and spontaneously these courses addressed me as an alternative:

Health sciences / management

Pharmaceutical Science

Pharmacy (although I probably don't stand a chance at 1.5)

Biochemistry / IT

Microbiology (Master)

Biomedicine (Master)

Maybe I'm also going in a completely different direction, e.g. Communication design / communication sciences

What do you think? Do you have any other suggestions? I know that the courses mentioned can't keep up with medicine, but as I said, this is "only" about a plan B.


My friend always had the dream of studying medicine, unfortunately his average was always 2.1. He is now studying biology and loves it. The lecturers always advise him that the best career opportunities are with synthetic biology and bioinformatics, biochemistry. He also wants to go in that direction.


So especially at Bio / Chemie and LMU I had to think of the green TUM campus, in Freising outside, there might be something for you. Agricultural sciences, brewing sciences, food technology, something like that. So bio / chemistry related to the labor market.

What used to interest me a lot was bionics, it should work somehow (as a master - but don't ask me).


Teaching degree in bio / chemistry?


With a degree in pharmacy, you have quite a lot of choices professionally. In addition to the public / hospital pharmacy, you can also go into industry / research or administration. You don't actually get unemployed as a pharmacist.


Why no training?


Laboratory assistant

Medical technical assistant

Pharmaceutical assistant

Paint lab technician

biological technical assistant

This corresponds entirely to your interest in the natural sciences and the job prospects are very good (because all of these subjects are studies and therefore there's a lack of trainees).

With appropriate training, it should not fail because of the salary.

So I think you should definitely consider these options.


+ with an average of 1.5 you have a good chance of being admitted.