My mother doesn't do anything to me?


My mother does nothing with me, for years she has only looked after her mother every day or is on the laptop or going to work, or out with the dog.

She never does anything to me and that makes me so sad. My mother only lives for her mother and not even for herself or with me anymore. I'm so hurt and sad every day and cry as well as almost every day. I find it very stressful that she never has time for me or never feels like doing anything that others want from her, but I don't care.

I sit alone in my room every day and don't know what to do. I can't deal with this situation anymore… It hurts me so much. What can I do?


You can formulate what you want.

Put it positively. So not "You never go to the ice cream parlor with me!", But "I would like us to go to the ice cream parlor together."

Make a proper appointment with an appointment.


Go with her when she goes with the dog. Try to build a common base. Suggest that you don't always go the same lap, but go somewhere. Has a goal.

Are you old enough to do something yourself?
Say you do this and that and offer your Ma to come along. Do you have common interests? From a certain age, you just cut yourself off.

Have you ever told your Ma how you feel?
Caring for a family member in need of care is not easy. Help your Ma, maybe she is overwhelmed, maybe she wants help. But can't express that. There are so many possibilities. Talking to each other is the first step.

My grandma was also cared for by my ma for a long time. It was a difficult time for the whole family. Sometimes living together inevitably falls by the wayside. It is important to be clear that it is the situation and not the person.


You have been writing "for years". How old are you?

P. S.

I just saw you drive an Audi. Have you ever taken your mother out? To a restaurant, to the cinema?

How does she react to your suggestions?


Ice cream parlor should no longer be up to date here. The FS could run the mother nicely with his / her Audi.


I'm 19, yes it has been like this for years. (because of my seriously ill grandma) tearing us all apart. Well, when I suggest something to my mother, she always says that she doesn't feel like it. She likes to be at home and usually goes to bed.


You can also go to the ice cream parlor with the Audi…


Thanks for the star.