Windows 10 boot not working?


I recently installed the media creation tool for Windows 10 64 bit on my father's Windows 10 laptop on the microsoft side and then opened it, then I burned what came afterwards onto the stick, later turned on my laptop, esc esc esc pressed until this thing came where you should press F9 for Boot Device Options. I pressed and then selected my USB stick and pressed enter. Then I started with the Win10 installation and clicked user-defined and then it came with the partitions. The problem: I can't install Win10 on my hard disk (1Tb). With free memory it says that there are only 0 bytes free on the hard drive, although I still have over 600 GB free… My stick is also displayed with 512 mb free memory, but I have nothing else on this stick than this installation dink. The hard drive also has the following message: Windows 10 can't install partition 2 on drive 0. See details. I clicked on it and then something came with Windows 10 kan only on one… The thing is, I forgot what came after. I only know that this supposedly only works with certain hard drives, the name of which is something with four letters, the first two were believable and f or v or similar

Can someone explain to me what I can't do or whether I maybe stuck the installation media?


It is best to burn Knoppix (Linux) on a DVD on the USB stick and format it with GParted and portion it again.

Here is a guide:


Did it work?