CD drive available?

- in Lenovo

I recently bought the "Lenovo L340-15IWL FHD 8GB". When the CD burner I noticed that this has no button to open.

CD drive available

Now my question, is there even a drive available? I do not want to turn it on, so I can't test it.

CD drive available - 1

If there were none, what could I do? I would like to have the laptop with a drive.


I called Lenovo now, they told me I got a copy without a drive. However, as no explicit mention has been made in the description, in this case the pruduct images count. Accordingly, today I get the information whether I get copy with drive, or get my money back. What do you think happens? I hope for the first possibility because I need the laptop soon.


If the button is missing, it is usually a mounting frame for an additional hard drive.
Maybe you have a link to the order of the notebook?


According to the model has no drive.

But you can retrofit with an external drive.


Please read the "Edit" in my question


I could arrange


The model has no DVD LW. So you can't synonymous with DVD-LW buy.


So on the official Lenovo page is one available. Besides, why should you install a blender at all? The place could be used well for further connections.


This Lenovo page does not list an optical drive for the IdeaPad L315 specifications. See:

Where one could be such a drive (pos. 8) is an explanation:
8. Optical drive bay / drive bay cover

I read this so that an optical drive can be installed, or not and optionally one can be retrofitted.

CD drive available

There are many models with the same housing, just different name and hardware. If Lenowo has one with DVD-LW, it may have a different name. Observe data sheet.

But if there's one, you would not have had to ask here.


But there's one in the picture?!


The picture shows a variant with DVD drive.
I assume that there are both variants with correspondingly different type designations.