Lenovo not sending money back despite cancellation?

- in Lenovo

I ordered a laptop from the Lenovo online shop in November and transferred the money (~ 1400 francs) directly, but canceled the order a few hours later. Lenovo then asked for my bank details in order to initiate the transfer of my already transferred money, but every time I give them my bank details, they reply that the transfer has failed. It's a constant back and forth. I checked all my bank details several times and sent the bank details to a friend and she was able to transfer money to me quickly. So I don't understand where Lenovo's problem is: /

I'm a student and finance myself and therefore can't afford a lawyer. What can I do to get my money back?


Try another account. E.g. Your girlfriend's.


How about you give them a call and talk to customer service. Then the problem will probably clear up. You don't need a lawyer for that


I've already called customer service. I can try again, but because it didn't work before, I would like to know what I can do if it doesn't work again


Researched page about experiences with Lenovo: Maybe this will help you a little, especially the reference to Digital River.



I think it's hard to get that money without a lawyer. I had read a lot of negative reviews about L.


Above all, they have bad reviews of Lenovo and their customer service and Digital River. Couple of the reports are similar to what is happening to me right now.


Unfortunately I can't afford a lawyer. I'm a student and finance myself completely alone: /


What I can do if it doesn't work again

Send a written request for payment (that's the one with paper). Payment term 10 days. If nothing happens by then, you can send an order for payment, you can do that without a lawyer. But you should be sure that your account details are correct. Perhaps ask your bank if they have any idea why this shouldn't work.


But I just sent an email and wrote that:

"Since you did not comply with the requests for transfer mentioned in my previous emails, I'm unfortunately forced to give you a final deadline for reimbursement of the full amount by February 4, 2021. If this deadline is exceeded, I will give you the further Lead through legal counsel.

All information regarding my account has been checked again several times. There were also external attempts to enable other people to transfer money to me. I kindly ask you to check your entries and possibly saved personal data. "

And just checked my bank details and sent them again. If I have not received my money by February 4th, should I send the written request for payment you have described or an order for payment directly?


Send paper beforehand. E-mail is not legally secure (although I don't know whether Switzerland is the same as Germany, but I think so.) You can also send the same thing by letter in order not to have to set a deadline again.