Can my father see what I'm sending via mail?

Can my father see what I m sending via mail

So my father checks my laptop and not directly from the laptop but on special outlook mail that is connected to the laptop. My question would be if my father sees the news or the emails that I send to my own email? So if you don't understand I have a gmail and an email and send the gmail to my email. My father gets the notifications from the laptop on the cell phone because he is registered with the outlook mail. And I fade in another picture below. And there's still a family folder, can my family members see what I'm sending to someone privately?


The following is not an answer!

Can someone explain to me why parents exercise such control and control emails?


No he can't.

At best, he has the mail account that is registered with you on the notebook also registered on his cell phone ;-)

if you have any questions, please contact me


You have to read their other posts. For example, the one in which she asks to go to a disco. As a Mulsime…

It is obvious - "is only a girl" that has to be checked…

… If it is so that can be read…

It only helps to create your own new email accounts - and important (you would have to check whether the PC is not being spied on otherwise)


I didn't think that far. Of course that makes sense!