To get DVD drive from laptop?

- in Lenovo

I've recently got a new laptop (Lenovo V130) and I know that dorr no CD / DVD drive is in it but a burner or no idea what (do not know me there sooo). Have now brought an external shell for the drive / burner but I wonder how I get this from the laptop? Have a picture inserted:

To get DVD drive from laptop

A burner is a drive which, in addition to the reading function, is also capable of storing data on corresponding blank CDs / DVDs.

What an external shell should be good for me does not open. The removal of such a drive is associated with the entire housing unscrew and disassemble.

If it's just about opening the drive to insert a CD / DVD, then the notebook has either a designated Fn-key, or the Explorer of Windows can right-click on the drive, the option "eject" to be used, the drive via a software command. Under certain circumstances, it is sufficient even when switched on to press against the drive briefly, this should be structurally recognized as a replacement for a button, the entire front as a pressure point.


A burner is also a CD / DVD LW. To remove this you have to unscrew the bottom. The LW must then be a screw, remove them, then you can remove the LW.

How do you want to make the hole when you remove the LW?


There should be somewhere to find a small hole with a diameter of about 0.5-0,75mm to the drawer.

Take a not too thin wire (straightened paper clip is usually sufficient) and push this about 20-30mm deep into this hole. This unlocks the drawer and you can pull it out.

Call yourself emergency ejection, but if I look at the other answers here so hardly anyone today. ^^