External DVD player is not displayed?

- in Dell

I hope someone here can finally help me.

Following problem!

I have an external Medion DVD drive. This drive is not used that much and therefore

I also can't tell when exactly this problem occurred.

The fact is, when I connect it to USB 3 or USB 2, it is recognized with a beep. However, it does not appear under "This PC". I found that when I plugged in the DVD player.

an entry is made in the Device Manager under Drives and not under DVD / CD-ROM drives. The entry under Drives is: Microsoft virtual disk. The drive "Disk 2 (base 8.00 GB write-protected) Portable BaseLayer (8.00 GB NTFS error-free [primary partition]] then appears in the disk management.

"Cypress AT2LP RC7" then appears under "Devices and Printers"

I can uninstall this virtual drive in the Device Manager and under "Devices and Printers", but after a restart or when I reconnect the DVD drive, it reappears there. In the device manager I only have the options "Update driver", "Uninstall device", "Search hardware"

In Disk Management, I only have the following options: "Offline", "Disconnect virtual hard disk", "Properties", and "Help." Unfortunately, deletion is not possible here

I connected the drive to another PC and it is recognized there. No problem.

The drive worked for a long time on this computer.

My system is Win10 Pro 64 Bit 20H2 Build 19042.985. Dell XPS 1702 laptop.


Deleting things from the device manager was a good idea and the right approach. Too bad that this doesn't make the error go away.

Have you ever googled whether you can import new firmware for the external DVD drive? Worth a try…


Would be nice, but unfortunately can't address the drive.


You don't necessarily have to. If you find firmware for it, you can burn it with a (second PC) on CD-ROM and insert it. The DVD drive will detect the firmware on it and install it automatically (if this feature is allowed).


Often very simply, as offered by Windows, uninstall the device and then update the drivers, or at best let Windows update it itself (after restart)


Everything already done. Best driver already installed and nothing is found under Windows Update either.


Unfortunately there's no new firmware. The device works on any other PC. I tried it with friends on 3PC's.


Aha a rarely used drive, then it could happen that the DVD drive is no longer recognized due to its age, because the laser is only very weak and can no longer read CDs or DVDs. To solve this problem I bought a new external DVD drive on ebay for 16.99, and it works perfectly, I've already burned a DVD, so there's no reason to keep the old electronic scrap any longer.