Laptop starts up but black screen?

- in Lenovo

I urgently need your help. I'm currently preparing for the exams and as if there was no better time to think my laptop would have to go crazy now.

I have a Lenovo laptop and it is not one of the older versions.

Now I wanted to enter my password as usual, but no letters appeared on the screen. The mouse worked, but when I pressed the buttons, no letters appeared.

So I thought I would restart the whole thing. After the restart, I only had a black screen.

The on and off button lights up when you press it and the device also moves up and down. Just a black screen appears every time after booting up.

I have now connected it to the battery charger and it is also charging.

I don't know what it could be.

I have been working on an important project in the past few weeks, which is why my laptop could never shut down properly because websites were still open.

It was also the case that before it started playing around it had little battery.

Do you think it will work on its own if I don't touch it for the next few hours?

It would be really nice if you could help me.

I thank you in advance.


I have an older model and I can't guarantee my answer, but if a black screen appears before logging in, it could work with one of the following key combinations, but I'm no longer sure which one:

Ctrl + Alt + Delete
Ctrl + Alt + Pause
Ctrl + Alt + Delete
Ctrl + Alt + Delete

Unfortunately can't give you any other information. Just try it here, if it works I'm glad I served you.


Disconnect the laptop from the power and remove the battery for 5 minutes.

It worked for me again afterwards.