Tax declaration at ALG1 and ALG2?


Is it worth it from the years, by ALG 1 and ALG 2 Aufstockung has to make a tax return. I wanted to make a tax return from the years 2016-2018, since I have done my full time technician school and you can write off a lot (school materials, laptop, etc.)

After school I was unfortunately unemployed and have requested 2018-19 ALG1 and ALG 2 increase. Is it worth it from this year to make the tax return? How is that if you have applied for unemployment benefits and now you want to submit his tax return?


Even if you were to get something reimbursed, this would not be worth it for ALG - 2, because if the reimbursement in the benefit receipt or in the month of the ALG - 2 application came to your account, this would be reduced accordingly to the needs.


Did you even pay taxes?

If not, you can't get a BACK.