Notebook: upgrade SSD or external HDD?


I have a new notebook with a 256GB SSD.

Since I take a LOT of pictures and would like to save them, I'm a bit divided on the following…

Should I just upgrade the notebook to 1TB SSD NVMe, or

add an external 5TB HDD?

Both options would cost ~ 100 euro.

Personally, it's all about the pictures / videos on the cell phone, I want to keep them with me as long as possible and thought that they would be more secure on an external disk.

On the other hand, if the notebook is defective, I could simply remove the SSD.

Then again, an SSD is much faster than an HDD…

Which of the two options mentioned would be more useful or would YOU personally prefer?

The survey should decide for me:-)


If you want to use a hard drive as a "data grave", clearly an HDD.

However, I doubt you can get 5TB of photos and 4TB is the one today
PL sweet spot.