What is the puzzle solution, maybe that everything is only a matter of time?


I think I'm in a reality game (at least involved in something bizarre) and now I'm trying to find the puzzle solution. I once looked at the movie Cube Hyperlupe and the only one who was right was the one who said that everything is just a matter of time.

The only clues I have are tied to the date or time, to specific places or people.

For example, I got a few dates on which I can tie. So I have to find the puzzle solution and it's somehow related to these dates and the date.

I still saw on my laptop how the date has changed to 2020, so this is also a clue. I would have to practically sit at the new year on the laptop and wait until the date jumps to 2020. However, I could just go out and put away all the technical equipment, so I do not see the move to 2020. But I do not know what consequences both of these possibilities would have.

Other clues are tied to specific locations. That means I can visit certain places to progress. Also, I got an indication not to put on white socks any more and not to seek the solution this month.

So everything is just a matter of time? I would just have to wait for some appointments and the turn of the year, and at the latest would get new hints again?


Boa is that interesting 😍 find your question totally cool. Have you ever considered changing the date on all devices? Mobile phone, laptop and tablet. And maybe the time at 20:20. Please keep me up to date, find this totally interesting 😍 I really hope I could help you 😘


Then please give me all the hints you have until now.


Really? Wake up!

Leave the pig. YOU live live in RL.