Teacher accusing me?


The following has just happened to me:

I'm sitting at my laptop and suddenly a teacher writes to me that "I would have given her a very nice puzzling puzzle and she now had the solution" and then she accused me of a singing exercise that we had to record as audio borrowed from a classmate to have.

I didn't have that much to do with this classmate.

So I wrote that I would never do something like that, and that I want to know how she thinks she knows that I did that.

So it goes like this: I don't want to discuss it with you and by the way you get four

What should I do now?

I really sang it myself and, by the way, half sick. Can I change your mind?

Please only helpful opinion


This is critical, but if you are telling the truth, you have to take it to an adult. Talk to your teacher again, if she still refuses, then go to the headmaster or your parents, that's not okay


Ok thank you i'll do it


I would have asked her where her nursery has gone, to come with accusations without any evidence and to top it off with a schoolboy at this time of night.


Hm… You wrote that you made that half sick so I assume your voice was hoarse if it is still hoarse you can send her an audio file to prove that it was you and that your voice is still hoarse because your classmate will certainly not have a hoarse voice at the same time as you so if this maybe somehow had access to your audio file, the teacher could ask her to send a new one where the teacher can see that your classmate is not hoarse at all but hope you have solved the problem I could help somehow