Is it worth selling this laptop?

- in Macbook

I have Macbook Air in mid-2020

Is it worth selling this laptop

I got an offer to sell this and I get 550 EUR.

I have a different gaming laptop that is very fast.

But I think Macbook air is nice.

Are 550 EUR worth?


I would sell the part immediately, it would be worthless to me.

But it depends how you use it.

Can you do something on it that you can't on the laptop?

If not, sell it. With your debts you should have done this a long time ago.


550 EUR are worth?


Try a whole sentence, then maybe you can answer the question.

If you want to know the current market value: I don't know.


I find 550 euro to be very little.

The things start used at around 700 euro.


You wouldn't hand it over to the buyer anyway, so you'd better leave it alone.


The question is whether he can legally sell the thing at all. If he hasn't paid it yet, it doesn't even belong to him.


Right, of course you're right!