Is there a risk when selling / shipping abroad?


I have noticed that there's strong interest from abroad (e.g. GB, …) when selling electrical goods (smartphone / laptop) via Ebay classifieds. People even want to pay more in advance than indicated in the ad.

Is there a risk for the seller here? If you pay in advance by bank transfer, the money can't be reclaimed. (Except that you always have to look at the account to see if there's an unauthorized direct debit).

Another risk could be that the buyer may want to restore any "deleted" data when purchasing the device. I was only puzzled because, in addition to inquiries from abroad, buyers have only been registered in the portal for 1 day (e.g. EBay classifieds).


If you send the device to your bank account after receipt of payment (bank transfer), you are on the safe side. But really only by bank transfer, not by check!

But if you get an email allegedly from a bank, in which the bank claims that the money is reserved for you, but can only be transferred if you send proof of sending, this is an attempt at fraud. No bank offers such a service. The mail would have been falsified.


Am I dealing with a scammer here? (eBay, scam, eBay classifieds) - good question


Thanks for the information. Then I break off contact or, in the first step, I give my IBAN and see which direction it is going and then break off if the money does not come in the normal way.


Oki, then I know how to proceed with prepayment:-)


They often claim that you have to send a confirmation that the goods have been shipped to the bank for them to release the money. Then you would have got rid of the goods, but you don't get any money.


Yes there's.
And not only when selling abroad - classified ads are intended for local sales!


Everything is a fraud.

Think logically, what does someone want with a notebook with a German keyboard abroad?

My tip: Don't answer at all, report to eBay immediately.

If you answer then he knows that you may have reported it and no longer writes you with the other 20 fake accounts.


It's not about getting money transferred (they'll never send any), it's about getting you to send the goods.

Don't sell anything abroad. Only use classified ads for personal collection and cash payment, eBay for shipping.