Should I buy a Surface Pro 7?

- in Macbook

I will soon start with the university preparatory school. I have a laptop at home, which I mainly need for my home office. The laptop is a Lenovo ThinkPad E570, with an i7 and is 15 '. It is solid, but sometimes, especially at school, minimally too big. My Lenovo's performance is better because it has i7 (the Surface i5).

Since I will have a lot of math and physics in my school, I want to take notes digitally by hand. The Surface Pro would be very good for that. However, I do not know if I will switch to hand notes and have bought it for nothing.

I'm also concerned with the price, since 1,300 is quite a lot, especially since a Macbook pro costs just that much. I also have a good laptop, but I don't know if a Surface makes sense because it is very handy and flexible. I don't want to realize that I don't need it after I buy it. But I also don't want to be late and reorganize everything.

I make a little money myself, but as you know, you have to look at the money, because the family doesn't look very good financially.

Does anyone know anything or has someone already had experience at school / university and could help me with the decision?


I think the Surface is a very good choice. Many a trainer also uses it.


If you only need the Surface for on the go (study), it's perfect. I have a book at home that is definitely too heavy and unwieldy for on the go. I just bought a Go2 with the m3 processor for on the go or for training… Super handy, light and runs absolutely smoothly.

I recently bought my mother a Pro 7 (i5, 8GB and 128 GB - with 200 GB SD also perfect) … That was just on offer at Microsoft itself (799 euro). At the moment there's this at Ama * on for just under 880 euro.

My son will either get the GO2 or a Pro7 for studying. Many programs are only available for Windows and a Mac with Windows in parallel is not the first choice. That's why a Mac falls - no matter which model comes out completely.