Are data also sold?

- in Macbook

I recently bought a used MacBook through eBay classifieds. However, there are still countless photos and other files on the laptop. My question is whether they are legally mine now? (Of course I'm not interested in this and have already deleted everything, I'm only interested in the legal situation). But can I distribute the photos? And if sensitive data is on the laptop, such as Addresses etc., do I make myself punishable if I pass them on to third parties? As I said, I'm only interested, of course I'm not interested in someone's vacation photos.


First of all, it is commendable that you have deleted everything.

In principle, this is not a one-way street. The previous owner should have deleted his data if he wanted to prevent anyone from reviewing his vacation photos.
Either way, only the laptop and not the data was sold (unless this was explicitly stated in the contract). Therefore, you have no right to distribute this data or use it in any other way.


The photos are private, have already been deleted, is stupid from the seller.