MacBook Air or MacBook Pro?

- in Macbook

I'm considering buying a MacBook. I still go to school and need it to study, to work with it at school, watch videos, listen to music, cut videos and just the normal things.

My questions:

Is a MacBook better than other cheaper laptops? If so, which is better?

Which model would be suitable for me?

To those who own a MacBook: are you satisfied with it?


I've been dragging my Air around with me for 7 years and it still works smoothly.


I have a MacBook Air and it's perfectly suitable for everyday things! I personally always recommend apple.


MacBook Air is enough for you. You can also buy a pro if you really want to…

Cheaper laptops can do exactly the same thing as the McBooks only that they are not from Apple!

I've never had a MacBook. Inexpensive Windows PC / laptop is enough!


What kind of videos do you want to cut? With 4k it could be scarce


Was in exactly the same situation half a year ago. Get the air. You save a lot and you really don't need anymore. Unfortunately I got the pro and afterwards the "burned" money just hurts me.


I only have to cut short videos and it doesn't have to be perfect. I do it for fun.