144 heart monitor for slow-motion video?

- in Macbook

Today I have a question for all technology and video editing experts. I went on vacation last year with the aim of making a cool video of it. So during that time I took some recordings - especially at 125 fps. Now I'm looking for a monitor that I can connect to my laptop to cut the recordings.

Do I need a 144 heart monitor so that my 125 fps recordings can be displayed correctly or is a 60 heart screen enough?

My laptop is still a 2013 MacBook with the following values: https://support.apple.com/...cale=de_CH

Since I'm still a complete beginner, I'm happy about any help.

VG and happy Easter days


60hz is enough.


First of all, thank you very much for the quick answer! I still have a general question. Among other things, I recorded the videos in 4k. I then drag the recordings onto my laptop, which, however, can't show 4k videos. With Adobe Premiere, however, I have the option of editing in 4K. Does that mean that my laptop can't display 4K, but the finished video can then be played back in the appropriate quality on other laptops that can display 4K, for example?

I apologize for the long text: -D


I'm not a video professional. But think so. You just have to be very careful there, for example. With me. Imovie always wanted to go straight down to 720p. But I only cut twice as a hobby. But I don't know exactly.

But it doesn't really matter where the graphics card sends the image. Whether it is a 4K monitor or a 720p monitor. That's why I would say logical. It does not matter.