How can I learn programming (beginners)?


As in the question I want to learn to program. I'm totally new to this area and I'm not (at all) very familiar with technology or anything, in other words I'm a noob / beginner. I would be happy if you could give me some tips on how I can learn this without (online) courses or something. I know it's harder if you want to teach yourself, but that might be fun.

(if I think I can do it and understand everything… I wanted to develop a game for the laptop or something… But it is only a goal and is far away ^^)

I thank you in advance


So for the game I would advise godot as software. I'm also in the process and have a friend of mine who knows Sehr well. If you don't have anyone there, try Yt tutorials. It's not that easy, but it often helps. But to make it more professional, you won't be able to avoid a course. But I think that still has a little time.


I'm not a hardcore programmer but I would recommend Python to you. It is a very easy to understand language with simple syntax. You can't program a game with it because this language is too slow. But it should be enough to start with. You can then go further and learn a language with which you can program games. Who knows, maybe later you can be useful if you want to become a programmer. I've heard that Python pays well.


I see:

To learn books or, best of all, lessons or courses.


I started just like you.

My first language was Visual Basic Script, it must have been around 2010. Later I learned Python, Java, C ++ and everything else.

Back then I learned that with tutorials on the all-new YouTube. As an IDE, I have always used different programs.


It is best to start with simple scripting languages such as LUA or JavaScript, Python is also very suitable for beginners, as has already been mentioned.

Only if you have selected a language, stay with it and do not change constantly. You may learn a lot at once, but it doesn't really get you any further. If you want to develop a game later, you should probably go more in the direction of the game engine like Unity, because you develop with C #, which is not really a good entry-level language now.

VisualBasic is certainly also worth a look, is "similar" to C # and still very playful to learn.


Please read the answer (and any comments about it).

Watching videos is a waste of time.