Order AliExpress by mobile phone?


My name is Thomas and I have a question. Today I wanted to order from the china dealer aliexpress, I wanted to order by mobile phone because I don't have a PC or laptop. My question now is: how can I look at the payment methods for the products? I would like to pay by bank transfer. And when I put the products in my shopping cart and press buy now, I enter into a binding purchase contract. A friend has a computer and there he can simply look at the payment methods under the product without adding it to the shopping cart. I have already browsed the below on my mobile phone but I can't find the payment methods, if someone could answer me and reveal where to display the payment methods I would be very grateful and they would have helped me a lot.


Open an account in the app, then a wallet.

As far as I know, only Visa works. Have to see what else you can take there.