Get your study costs back?


I started studying at a university in Stockholm in August 2020 and will probably finish it in July 2021.

Before starting my studies, I had to pay the entire study costs and bought a laptop in order to be able to take part in the study in the first place.

In my case, would it be possible to get part of my expenses back and possibly also part of the costs that I have for my maintenance such as B. I spend rent and groceries? Heard when I can present the receipts for something that I could possibly get a small part of it back. Is that correct?

Information about me: I'm 21 years old. I come from Hamburg and am also a German citizen. I also receive foreign student loans for my studies. Worked full-time for a short period in early 2020.


If you have paid taxes, you can count your expenses as business expenses / special expenses.

if you haven't paid taxes there's nothing that can be refunded


Yes, as a loss carryforward.


A loss carryforward does not bring any tax refund. In addition, only for a second degree / apprenticeship


A loss carryforward does not bring any tax refund.

However, if taxes were paid in advance and / or / because the loss carryforward was not yet known.

In addition, only for a second degree / apprenticeship

Yes, I thought so too.


The loss carryforward only brings something in the year in which you paid taxes. But that is the case with all advertising expenses and lectures


Yes, oh That's exactly what I mean.


Then write it that way. Express yourself more precisely


Gladly, if you also express yourself more precisely. And above all more correct.


I always expressed myself correctly. But you have a poor understanding of the law


Nope. You often express yourself incorrectly in terms of content and grammar.


When I'm not busy, I love to answer your questions.


First of all, many thanks to you @PeterMangold and @ Sloth3mon. I should have mentioned beforehand that it is actually a temporary study or apprenticeship, since I finished my studies as a communication designer at the end of 2019. I then try to find out more about loss carryforwards and maybe something can be done