Is Msi laptop 90grad CPU normal?


My laptop (MSI GL62M 7REX) constantly reaches the 85-90 degree mark. And only look at the video! Or when using a DAW. He is also very loud and hot. I also do not play with laptop and it is in Comfort or Eco mode.


So that laptops reach such high temperatures, that is completely normal and is because the manufacturer pays more attention to optics, thickness and weight of the notebook. In the past that was not the problem. Notebooks from 2010 were often 3 kilograms heavy, although only office hardware was found and therefore remained totally quiet and cool.

If the loudness bothers you, then you can swap the thermal grease for very good and clean the notebook. But you have to be careful, that will void the warranty!


So usually laptops can get very warm. You can prevent it all by using a good thermal grease. Kryonaut for example.

Alternatively, you can of course also take liquid metal, but that's your personal decision. I did it and no problems. My laptop runs a maximum of 50 degrees instead of 90 with the original 2 year old thermal compound.

The problem with liquid metal is simply that it is electrically conductive. If you apply too much and the metal runs out sideways, it may cause a short circuit. Is unlikely but it is possible. In addition, many laptops have aluminum heatsinks, where liquid metal may not be applied because it reacts with each other.

edit: The warranty expires in both cases!


That is very very borderline. Which temps are they? For CPU or GPU?

I suspect that your cooling is dirty. Do you have to clean up?

So I mean in particular the cooling fins!


For the CPU

in sports mode at 90 degrees, eco mode normal 45-50 degrees (with DAW use it goes up to 75)

is 75 degrees too much for a DAW use?


Here is a video how to do it


In sports mode that's really a lot. After all, the notebook has 2 cooling systems.

75 ° are o.k


It is important that also here the warranty is omitted

And 90 degrees with notebooks is not necessarily something special. That comes with good (does not have to be maximum) utilization often times before