IPad or Surace for study and home?


Moin, a month ago I started my studies and I moved out of home and took my pc with me.

Meanwhile, I find that on the one hand in the university, a technical device for PPs or Office stuff would be really helpful and on the other hand, I need something on the weekend in the home, where I can watch videos or work.

Actually, I only think about two products: either an iPad or a Surface device.

But since I do not own a single Apple device, I would like to know if you could still use a good iPad?

Furthermore, I found a Surface very interesting, because I have so a small laptop AND a tablet in one. In addition, you have Windows as the operating system. But this is much more expensive than an iPad Air for example.

The question I'm asking now is which device I can expect the better value from? Is it easier to link a Surface to the PC than an iPad (transfer files and so on)?

Maybe someone can tell me his opinion. And do not worry, I still work with paper and pens anyway.


Homeland: Ipad

Study: Surface


Haha, so I'll buy both


By itself the surface works super and very long. In my opinion, it is therefore the better device because there are many people who have no apple and then the files you send them can't open properly. The only reason that I think would speak for an ipad is that the pen to write on it is thinner and lighter which makes it easier to write with it. You only notice that if you actually use the tablet instead of a block. In my class use almost all tablets and from my experience, the apple devices fall more frequently (for us). Personally, I'm very happy with my surface and my surface laptop.


In itself, I think the iPad is the better device for studying, but you have no iPhone and no MacBook, which makes the whole thing a bit problematic. In this case, I would recommend the Surface, because it just belongs to Apple something more than just an iPhone. In itself, the iPhone is much better, especially in combination with the Apple Pencil.