Buy and sell notebooks on eBay?


Who has experience with eBay buying and selling.

I plan to buy notebooks (from eBay) and then sell them (on eBay classifieds)


You can buy Noteboks on ebay and sell them on ebay classifieds. With this you trade commercially.

What experiences do you want to hear? Whether a purchase or sale is positive for you depends on the seller and buyer. They're not all the same once they're active on the same platform


You have to register a trade as soon as there's a profit intention, that is the case with you.

While this applies primarily to sales on eBay, it also applies to you:

Well-founded commercial knowledge (e.g. On the obligation to provide an imprint, revocation, liability for defects / warranty, product liability, GDPR, packaging ordinance, liability, taxes, insurance, health insurance etc.)

Just an example:

A faulty imprint can cost you up to 50,000.00 euro.

And yes, the number of zeros is completely correct:

If you are a minor, you need the consent of your legal guardian and that of the family court to register a business:

And I would not let it matter, the tax offices have software with very amazing skills…


I have experience buying and selling on eBay and eBay classifieds.

There are not too many idiots who spend more on eBay classifieds for a laptop than they would have to pay on eBay. The customer potential of your trade is very manageable.