Is it dangerous?

Is it dangerous

Wanted to play monkey games again because I haven't done that for years and now I've seen that you can't play all the good games anymore you have to download something

is it dangerous if i do this on my laptop?


You can download it without hesitation.


Thank you🥺


Flash Player does not pose a direct danger. Indirectly, however, it is very insecure and is therefore no longer supported.

In the past you also had to have installed the Flash Player, otherwise the Flashgames would not have worked.


No that is not dangerous and unfortunately with all games on game monkey like this… You can download it for free and virus-free and then play everything.


Uhm these are browser games, because the Flashplayer from adobe is required if the games do not support HTML5. The flashplayer, however, is susceptible to hacking attacks, so it is more deprecated, newer pages should have their own. All HTML5 use nowadays…


But then rather download it from the ado page.