Laptop doesn't load internet pages?


The problem has existed for a few months. The laptop is connected to the home Wi-Fi and the internet quality is good. Because all other devices work without problems at the location of the laptop. The connection is established on the laptop and internet access is also allowed. The Google results will open. However, if you click on a page, either a timeout error or the message that the page is not accessible - for all pages and all search engines. Sometimes, very rarely, it goes on for a minute and then nothing works. If I connect the laptop to another WLAN, there are no problems and everything loads. The problem has only existed for a few months. Before, the same laptop with the Wi-Fi connection, which is now causing problems, could flawlessly call up all pages and even play films.

Is the problem with the Wi-Fi or the laptop, have I changed something? Only what?

Unfortunately I can't connect a LAN cable, there's no opening for it.


Only in Google Chrome? Time is right?


Unfortunately also at bing and the like.


I only mean with the Chrome browser.


Perhaps the wrong date has been set on the PC.


This always happened with our old tablet when it was used briefly, when these WLAN modules are used very intensively and for a long time they overheat. There's also a USB to LAN adapter so I have one that works great with USB 3.0.


No unfortunately also with Firefox, edge…


The date is the same as today. Out of interest: what effect does the date have?


But why does it work when I'm connected to a different WLAN?



Thank you


I can't explain that either


Weird guess, but maybe a filter is explicitly set for the device. That can have such effects.