Laptop bluetooth module problems?


I have a laptop that is currently running Linux Mint 20.1.

The problem is that something is wrong with my bluetooth. I often have small dropouts with my Bluetooth headphones (with the sound).

At first I thought it was Linux because of the hustle and bustle etc., but I have the same problems with Windows 10.

It can't be due to the headset either, because I don't have any problems with my smartphone.

My question now would be whether it's the B module and what I can do about it.


Also believe that it is because drivers and and both operating systems can't manage that, but your smartphone is probably this B-module over, what you can do about it, buy a new motherboard, a repair will not be worthwhile.

The cause could be natural wear and tear or a B-module that was already defective at the front.


Can I make do with these USB Bluetooth adapters?

Wouldn't be as expensive as buying a new laptop.


Unfortunately, I have no idea about that.

In all honesty, it's best to buy one where you can send it back within the next 14 days. If that doesn't work, you still have a chance to find out if it works or not.


Yes you did, thank you.


Thank you for because ⭐ :-)