Mother is angry because I do not sleep at night?


So that's how it has been for a while now that I can't sleep that much anymore. Nevertheless, I get up every morning and go to school. Sometimes it happens that I sleep a few hours in the afternoon, but rarely. I have tried it so many times, just lie down and close my eyes… But it will take another 2 hours or more to sleep. At some point I started using the time meaningfully, learning or doing homework. And then I started to work on the laptop. My mother caught me today and said "We'll talk about it tomorrow". Of course it would be nice if I would sleep at night, but it does not work and I'm not really tired then. I just get the few hours of sleep for some reason. I'm assuming that she wants to take away my phone and laptop, so I have no choice. And then I can be bored forever… What would be good arguments, so that she is not so angry and makes me easy… Overall, our relationship is not so good anyway… If I had the money, I would take off immediately with 18, Unfortunately, I do not have the money and so I'm still dependent on my parents. I'm 16 now and I should definitely listen to their rules, etc., but if I can't sleep, then at least I could use the time… And then I would also have more time…


Everyone has their own day / night rhythm you could try as an argument.

However, cell phone, computer, television right before sleep is not good, because there's such a special blue light that makes you rather awake and prevents release of the sleep hormone.

From 21 o'clock I have a night filter on all devices, which reduces the blue light, but leave directly before sleeping prefer devices.

So read it for a while or listen to music, maybe it helps to fall asleep easier.

At some point, a little sleep will perhaps also be physically noticeable.

Could suggest to your mother that you try a bit (maybe try the tips for 2-3 weeks, it takes a while to get used to), but you do not need that much sleep anyway.


Sometimes it happens that I sleep a few hours in the afternoon, but rarely

3 times you can guess why that happens.

Do your homework on the day.

If you actually lie in bed for two hours at a time without falling asleep, you should go to the doctor

Otherwise, you should sleep at night, as other people do.

It is easier to sleep well at school, and then you may also have the money to leave home at a young age


But that's just it, I'm not tired and therefore I do not want to force myself to sleep… I want to make good use of the time…


But I'm not tired… And I'm in a high school, so I really want to study, but that's not why I do not get any money to move out, especially because I'm 3 years longer at Gymnasium than z.b. I'm in secondary school


Sleeping can (in the worst case - "must") be learned. I'm also a "night man" (often work in night shift), but I learned to lie down and sleep (even when I'm not tired)

It makes sense

an absolutely dark room
no way to watch one

The alarm clock should therefore be placed in a location from which you can hear it but can't read the time during the night.


That's the problem. I do not need sleep and therefore I want to use the time differently. Then I can shape my whole day differently…


I'm also quite happy that I do not need so much sleep. Then I can learn at night what's up and still enjoy my free time and everything during the day.


No, that's not the problem

The problem is that at night, you are engaged in activities that prevent sleeping

Cramming too late is no problem. Surely your parents would not mind. Because when cramming the fatigue sets itself.

To be late at any monitors on any monitors (cell phone, laptop, tablet, TV, etc.) but is a problem. Because this activity makes you awake.


Yes, but if I'm not tired, I can use my time no matter how. And if the stuff keeps me awake, well, I'm not tired anyway. I'm also looking for a solution to convince my mother…


When you read your question and your comments, you easily get the impression that you do not want to sleep, because you tell yourself you are not tired. You may not be able to fall asleep, but with a young person you are, this is not normal and there's a reason. You should let the doctor tell you, he will help you and guess what you can do best.

At your age you are not awake at night and your body and brain need the necessary sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours. If you go to bed at 11 pm, you can get up at 6 in the morning, or even spend some time in your room, if there's still time before you get up.

It is important that you find a normal sleep rhythm and it is at night and not in the afternoon. Because if you can sleep then just show that your body needs sleep. Your mother is right, but you do not understand that because you do not want to understand it. That's just like sleeping and much else. If something should work, then you have to want it in the first place. Maybe you'll think about it… If you want.


I do not sleep often in the afternoon. As I said that happens very rarely and if I sleep there once an hour after I get annoyed home, that does not matter too much. And yes, you're right, I do not want to sleep because I'm not tired. Sure, that may be that I supposedly need it, but I'm fine with that. So I'm almost never tired during the day and I never have a problem with getting up or something. It used to be even worse when I slept even more. Since I was in the morning always totally the morning muffle. And now I have no more problems with it. If I was tired, then I would want to sleep more, but I'm not tired…


But even in school, I can't stand it anymore… I used to be a good student… And now I have to fight to make it through the year… I can't do anything at all… I can't do anything at home, I'm lying all over Day in bed and listen to music because it just helps me…

When I try to concentrate at school I get a terrible headache…

From a question you asked 4 weeks ago

No matter what nonsense you write here

you need your sleep, even if you do not want to admit that

The only thing you raise here is a verar… Your mother. Be glad that you are not my daughter would be a less comfortable life