Problems after Windows 10 update despite repair boot?


An update was carried out on my laptop, which was offered by Windows. After the update, the laptop automatically came into repair boot mode and has not gone since then. This infinite loop can't be fixed, no matter what I enter in the input field, or whether I press Start Assistance, reset the PC to an earlier point in time or reset it completely without losing data.

No matter which option I press, nothing helps and automatically sends me back to the repair boot mode. What matters most to me is the files that were on the laptop, documents, pictures, etc. Of course it would be stupid to lose them.


Create a Windows 10 USB boot stick on another computer. Here's how it works: To do this, download the Media Creation Tool from the Microsoft website. You can do that with it. All current updates are also included on the stick.

Then simply boot the created stick on the affected computer. Not only can you cleanly reinstall Windows 10, but you can also repair damaged Windows 10.

When the repair is complete, simply restart and remove the stick. After that, everything should run normally again. If that doesn't help, you have to reinstall Windows 10 cleanly. You do not have to enter the product key because it is permanently integrated in the BIOS and is automatically adopted. After the Windows 10 installation is complete, go to the manufacturer's website of the laptop. Download and install the drivers there.


First of all, thanks for the answer,

my only concerns are that my entire files will probably be lost with both options right?


With the repair function of the stick, the data, programs, own files and settings are retained. With the clean new installation everything is flattened.