Survey about the text by a journalist in English, what is your opinion on it?


Do you share the opinion of the journalist or do you disagree?

Please explain to me what you think of the holidays and please in English.

Thank you!

Don't worry, be happy - the worliday is here!

It is difficult for people who do not work regular hours to have regular holidays. The way we work has changed a lot since we have had smartphones, laptops and mobile internet.

for many people who are freelance or who work from home, there's never a clear distinction between being at work and being on holiday. So a british journalist invented the word worliday

- in her words, it is "a bit like holiday and a bit like work". She thinks this is what work will be like for most professionals in the future

It goes like this if youre on a worliday, you have a lie-in before you check your emails - possibly in bed or by the pool. Then you might go for a swim or a walk in the montains. Later, you can get out your laptop and read or write an article, perhaps sitting on your balcony. If the weathers bad, you can work a few hours longer. If its a beautiful day, the work can take a back seat.

Many people will tell you that worlidays are unhealthy. They believe you should take time off completely to chill out and concentrate on your family and your friends when youre on holidays.

But heres the other side of the coin, Before the days of mobile internet, it was very stressful trying to tie up all the loose ends before you left the office. You arrived on holiday, echausted. Then it took the first day or two to stop worrying about what you had left behind in the office, and to start enjoying yourself. By the time you were relaxed, the holiday was nearly over and it was time to get to work again - and find 345 unopened emails in your inbox. No thanks!




I need different opinions on this, and please do so in English, as I'm not the best in English myself to come up with some opinions.


What for?


Sports friend I need helpful answers and not questions that are a mystery to me. You could give your opinion about the opinion of the journalist, what's so wrong with it?


No problem.
If you are not even willing to answer my question, I will definitely not sit down and formulate English sentences for you.


I need it because my teacher instructed me to do it and yes it is, so to speak, homework, but do you always have to ask questions when help is asked?


For 25 years I have been working mostly from home, independently, I have no idea what to do with the text? None of this is reality in any way, either satire or nonsense. You decide.

And sorry, but also in English? And then you don't even understand what I "mean" because your English is insufficient? And your teacher is stupid?