Panic attacks while doing sports?


Like most people, I just spend my time at home due to the quarantine. I picked out a few back exercises from the Internet because I have had back pain for a long time due to a lack of exercise. I actually always spend normal days at home and sit at least 2 hours a day on my laptop in a pretty crazed posture. In order to get rid of my back pain, I decided to do back exercises. Now to my problem: I'm an emetophobic (I'm afraid of vomiting) and have an OCD associated with panic attacks. I haven't done any real sport for almost 3 years because of panic attacks in connection with asthma. I was very athletic when I was a child, and now I'm hardly resilient.

I wanted to ask if there were any ways that you would not feel sick during sports. I get sick very quickly, because it stresses me to do sports and I'm not used to it anymore. The result is panic attacks and difficulty breathing, which means I have to stop doing light exercises.

I hate sports because this happens to me every time, which is why I stopped doing sports and am now in this broken body with back pain and little resilience.

Maybe someone has an idea how you can enjoy sport again and start slowly if you haven't done anything for a long time.

I'd be pleased. LG. Stay healthy!


Start with very light exercises, e.g. Yoga. This is very healthy for the body and mind and the initial expressions are easy to do and fun


Thank you very much. I had already considered it myself.


Would advise you against heavy loads completely, instead gymnastics such as stretching and light mobility exercises without great stress. A little walk or maybe still go.


Look here you can see easy exercises


I have a contract in the gym, but have been out of business for a year. Can stretching possibly strengthen my muscles so much that I can train again?

Thank you very much. The question may be a bit stupid


No, you don't build muscles by stretching. In your case, you should better discuss this with your doctor. A special muscle building plan would have to be drawn up for you, with the right exercises and volume for you. Unfortunately, this can't be answered online here.



I would also start with yoga, mobilization exercises and the like.

What I can only recommend is going swimming. In my opinion, that's a good combination of strength, endurance and fun.


If you are in therapy, where you first have the panic and your other disorders treated, then it also works better with the sport.

At the moment you can't go to a studio, but you can watch sports programs at home (to join in) or download.

Find the right one where you don't have to vomit.

The athletes are also doing their sports movements at home at the moment, then you will also find something where you can slowly get back on board.

If you have a contract and don't use it, then you don't need one because you don't plan your time regularly and do it consistently.


You can't just ignore your asthma and do normal exercise!

you need special exercises that do not lead to breathlessness and panic, otherwise it is just stress for you


Yes, I have been in therapy for over 6 years, but in that case, unfortunately, I also have to live with fear. But thank you, I did some simple exercises yesterday and it went pretty well after 5 minutes of nervousness. For that I'm now lying flat with sore muscles xD


Why it doesn't get better after so many years of therapy can't be explained, but you will know the reasons for it.

Don't be surprised if you haven't done anything physical after so long Zeti that you now have muscle pain.

Then you sit in the wrong posture for too long, then your muscles shorten at some point and the poison is for your lumbar and cervical spine. But your but will survive.

You may have practiced too long for the first time, starting with a few minutes (warming up) and then increasing the time.