Are there legal rules which prescribe which electrical devices a teenager / child should have and when?


With pocket money there are these tables where it is prescribed or recommended how much pocket money you should get with how many years.

Is there such a thing for electrical / electronic devices such as cell phones, televisions, laptops?

The fact is that I'm 16 and my father keeps prohibiting me from using cell phones for small things and that I (if I can have it) only go to school or if I meet friends somewhere else. And I can use my cell phone for an hour in the evening, but only if I haven't already had it on the go.

I hope that you understand my question and my text somehow and maybe can give an answer:-)


There are no legal rules on spending money or owning electronic devices.


Grow up and be responsible and please remember that your parents only mean well with you. TV and smartphone mostly distract from more urgent tasks. Better not make any demands, but think about how expensive TVs, smartphones and the like cost and that your parents have to work hard and long to be able to even offer you clothes, food, school supplies and possibly a vacation. Better say "thank you" to your parents and don't take everything for granted


Try to make out with your father because all the great experts would take away electronic bones completely and let you live in the Stone Age because it would be the "best".

Why doesn't your father want to have you on your cell phone so often?


No, it does not exist.

And these pocket money tables are not regulations, but rather recommendations / suggestions.


I'm trying to grow up, but how should it work if I'm treated like an 8 year old? In addition, I say thank you often enough and know how much my parents have to work (not much) or that this is not a matter of course:-)


What you call "little things" and do not define them in more detail… These are the rules that your father sets up and you have to abide by. Even in adult life you have to adhere to the rules… For example, what the employer expects from you… And you may lose your livelihood if you do not comply with the rules.

So learn to stick to the rules, and your cellphone, which is so vital to survival, will not be taken away from you all the time.

By the way, you can have and keep social contacts even without a cell phone! How did I survive my youth in the 60s and 70s…

Otherwise: You will be of legal age in 2 years. Find a student part-time job, save the money, then you can buy your own cell phone in 2 years and also make the contract.


Well if I knew that… He just always means that he has no trust in me, but I don't know why and have tried so often to gain trust…


You always have trust until you gamble it away, so I don't think you're telling the truth


Hmm yes, little things are just like when you start talking at the same time he thinks I interrupt someone and soo.

And unfortunately I'm not allowed to meet friends so often, if it were different, my cell phone would not be important to me. (I also haven't had any contact with ALL of my friends for 8 weeks)

And I bought the HAndy from my own money:-)


So ask him straight away why and if he evades you tell him that that was not what you wanted to know.

The last option is to tell him what connection he is currently destroying with his daughter (with a little luck it works).


How you mean…


You don't interrupt others! And contact with friends… Don't you have a landline phone?


That's right:-)


Yes, I don't do it either! Only sometimes you start talking at the same time and then he thinks that I'm going to cut him off… And no we don't