Headache in the morning after sleep?


I always have a slight headache after sleeping, even during sleep I don't feel calm, I wake up more often and sometimes I have a hard time falling asleep. I eat 2-3 hours before going to sleep and switch off my cell phone, TV and laptop 2 hours before. It's probably not because of the mattress, I slept much better when camping on much more uncomfortable things. I always ventilate before going to sleep… I'm at a loss! Can you think of anything?


Do you have any other complaints along the way?


Perhaps your pillow is putting too much strain on one of your neck nerves, or pinching it. It can cause a headache.


Ok, how do you notice that? My neck feels good, no blockages or tension…


No, otherwise I feel super healthy, only when sleeping and afterwards


Well you have through and a stab in the head.

How does the headache feel?

If it's a throb, it could also be high blood pressure.


So if you don't sleep, it often leads to headaches. Try to take valerian before sleep. Otherwise please go to the family doctor.


It's not stinging, it feels more like pressure… Yes, and what can you do about high blood pressure?


Go to the doctor and get medication.

If you are overweight, lose weight.


I slept in the forest on the advice of my flat mate and I haven't slept so well for a long time, after that I was very cheerful and full of energy. What can that be?


I slept in the forest on the advice of my flat mate and I haven't slept so well for a long time, afterwards I was very cheerful and energetic, no headache or anything. What can that be?


Maybe you should always sleep in the forest now.