Chronic sinusitis with severe headache - what to do?


I currently have a very stupid problem: since January I have had a cold, mucus and permanent headache. After I already had antibiotics, mometasone nasal spray, cetirizine (also pollen allergy, clarified from the ENT) and approx. All over-the-counter expectorants, I don't know what to do.
Last week, CT finally diagnosed chronic sinusitis that had to be operated on. I have polyps, very narrow sinuses and a crooked nasal septum. Actually good because I know what's going on, only now comes the catch: because of Corona, such operations are of course postponed / not accepted.

My problem now is that I have been on sick leave for the past 2 weeks and have a mega guilty conscience to leave my boss alone. Only I have such a bad headache and I'm totally exhausted from staring at the laptop here in the home office, yesterday I tried to work and it didn't work at all… I don't know what to do, getting up every morning is a pain and I can't keep me on sick leave for weeks because you can't predict when Corona might improve.

It would really help me to hear a few other opinions.


Didn't you get a pain reliever? Then go get some yourself from the pharmacy. But then expressly say that you want a strong pain reliever.

Otherwise you can inhale, which clears your head. I don't know if this also works for chronic sinusitis.


I know the conscience too well, but you can neither do anything for the fact that you are sick, nor that surgery can't take place because of Corona. You tried to work and if you can't, it just doesn't work. It is important that you accept the condition for yourself, otherwise you will also be under constant internal stress and this will prevent any healing. Get sick, your health is the most important thing! Get well soon.


I have everything here for pain relievers, paracetamol, ibuprofen and novalgin drops, but all of this helps very little or not at all and only lasts for a short time. And I actually don't want to take so much painkillers for so long… Ibuprofen is not allowed anyway, because I'm just curing an inflammation of the stomach.


I have another tip for you: take a cool pack, wrap it in a washcloth and put it on your forehead. Hopefully this will help for a while…


Red light can help. Also inhale with e.g. One Gelomyrtol forte capsule helps.
You could take it that way (if you don't already have it).

I advise against taking painkillers frequently. This is not good for the stomach.


I have already taken Gelomyrtol, but I have not yet inhaled with it, I will definitely try it, thanks!


Yes you are right. Actually, I know that myself, it is just so difficult to get through to it das Also with the inner stress is definitely an issue… I will probably call my doctor again today and discuss the whole thing with her.


With pleasure. Now and then you have to hear from others what you already know. Do that, I hope you / you find a solution and you can calm down a bit.


Because of the gastric mucosa inflammation, you should then perhaps take suppositories. Paracetamol suppositories are available over the counter in the pharmacy


I know this pain. The only thing that really helps me against this pain is Aspirin complex. The other pain relievers hardly help me either. But that's not something you should take all the time just so you can work. Since it is liquid, I also find it more pleasant for my stomach; it is also somewhat sensitive to tablets. However, I do not know if it is something else with a gastritis.


I now take Pantoprazole 40mg once a day for 4 weeks, this has been agreed with my family doctor - as a kind of long-term treatment