Current PC screens better than 2008?


Have a Samsung SyncMaster 2433 from around 2008 (or 2009/2010). I was recently in the Media Markt because of a notebook and we came across my monitor. The seller claimed modern screens were better than those of 2008.

According to the data sheet, my screen is not much worse than modern screens. So I wanted to ask what is there. Are modern screens better?
If yes why?


Much better; significantly better.

Better panals

Nicer look

Better response times (Ms / Hz)

Technologies like FreeSync or Gsync


Yes, they are better. Be it the technology, additional features, the built-in components, connections or power consumption


The panels have gotten better. IPS shines with great colors and VA with high contrast. Above all, consumption has decreased. I have quite current monitors in 27 ", each of which only needs a little around 25-30 watts.