Can I still use my slightly melted power adapter (laptop)?


Hey Last night my power supply unit of my laptop charging cable got hot so that it became very flexible and smelled extremely of burnt plastic. After cooling down, I connected the charging cable to the power supply again and it made a zzz noise for a short time. I then let it stay. Electricity has flowed, but I'm a little afraid to continue using it. Should I buy a new one? Or can I still use it?


Better to buy a new one…


Obviously, if the cable is simmering, there's something wrong with it.

So NO, OF COURSE YOU SHOULD NO LONGER USE IT if it is already charred.


If you don't want to risk burning your place down, you'd better buy a new one!


If it's just the power cord and not the power adapter, it shouldn't cost 5 euro.

Is probably pretty cheap compared to a potential home fire.



Forget it, the cable doesn't scorch up just like that.

Look here you can set your laptop model exactly and buy suitable cables, etc.
The parts should also be available from Amazon and Co.


Better buy a new one. If it got so hot and I heard a noise when I switched it on again, then something really broke. It could destroy your laptop or - as others write - it could actually overheat again and lead to a fire. That 's not worth it.